'Without it, it is going to be much, much, much, much worse.' 'In the meantime, we really need to work on a sort of war footing, given that it is a natural disaster, provide relief, provide essentials, till we get biological herd immunity, we need to get economic immunity, and also social immunity.'
Vishwas More, retired chief engineer of the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University labs, who proudly proclaims he is 'a life-long Republican', and a veteran of political conventions, will attend his fifth Republican National Convention this week in Tampa, Florida, as an alternate delegate.
"About 30 minutes before landing, we were asked to fasten our seat belts after we heard a sudden bang, resembling a Diwali bomb kind of sound, but not a pataka (fire-cracker)," Shelly Kakar who along with her husband, was seated four rows ahead of the alleged terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, said.
Dr Sujit Pandit of Ann Arbor, Michigan, got off lightly at the hands of immigration officials in India, in comparison to seven- year-old Viraj and three-and-a-half-year-old Vrishabh, who three years ago were deported within two hours of landing for not carrying their old passports.
The waiting period can be stressful but there are some ethical and legal guidelines that must be followed during the admissions process. Here's a look at them.
'I am going to direct a film for him.' 'He thinks I will make a good film.' 'For me, that in itself is an award.'
Just as I was beginning to panic, a couple of guys walked up and asked if I needed help -- they recognised me as an Indian and a newcomer to the US.
Dr Rajiv Shah, the highest-ranking Indian-American member of the Obama administration, has traveled with the President to the country his parents left in the late 1960s.
Meet Srihari Sathe. Producer. Director. Professor.
Sanjay Gupta asks that he be taken out of consideration for the post of surgeon general
The India-born global management guru not only helped companies but also MBA students and faculty to think laterally.
It's a bewildering time to begin saving and investing.
Karan Gupta discusses MBA programmes, various degrees and competitive examinations.